Getting Started


Let’s talk specifics

We have countless case studies with data that provide guaranteed savings
because of efficiency enhancements, performance longevity and health benefits.

It’s Insulation! It’s Applied to where it Applies!


Develop a Techical Report

Nominate an industry, provide a problem or a solution and the technical teams will address it.


Engineer the Solution

Our specialists develop solutions using new and innovative applications that contribute to the improvement and greening of the ceramic coatings industry.


Execute & Implement

Applying the ceramic insulation in accordance with the best practices , world standard and acknowledged certified criteria.


Safety & Quality

The two go hand in hand – both governed by attention to details . Taken extremely seriously at the earliest planning stage. Our Commitment to safety and quality will not be compromised.


Management & Maintenance

Once our program is applied, Ceramic Insulation Coatings require very minimal monitoring and maintenance. Proper maintenance dramatically extends the product lifespan to 10 years.

Technical Specifications

A technology ahead of its time, invented over 30 years ago. Fast forward 30 years and beyond, more and more uses for a coating based insulation become evident.


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Tempercoat Global Ltd.

South East Asia and Pacific Office:

Level 2, HotSpot Bldg., Lourdes Sur East,
Angeles City , C-2009, Philippines

Corporate Office:
20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU
United Kingdom

Company number: 13912961

Manufacturing Plants:

Australia , Japan & Philippines


Get In Touch

(123) 456-7890
M-F: 8am-5pm